Casino Slot Machines

Winning Slot Machine Strategies

It was much easier to win in the old days when the slot machines were not as technically advanced and cheat-proof. It allowed for many strategies to come about - not necessarily the most honest but nonetheless, they were ways of winning and that's all that counts, right? Given the strict rules of casino games today, it has become a much more difficult task to come up with a working strategy. As each game was introduced at the casinos, although it was thoroughly thought through to guarantee a profit for the house, it still needed to be tested by the public. As is the case with anything... More »

Online Casino Slots Tips

If you've been playing slots machines for a while, you probably have your own list of slot machine tips to offer the world but it never hurts to read up on someone else's. For those of you that are just stepping into this sport, you'll find that reading over these tips will give you a fair idea of what to pay attention to when playing slot machines. It's sure to give you a good head-start and keep you from making the common mistakes that all beginners tend to make. The most important thing is to keep your head and have fun. Gambling is a lot of fun, so read up and get winning! Best... More »

Progressive Slots Online

Slot machines have gained many loyal gamblers over the years, yet not always did they satisfy every kind of gambler. While some enjoy the relaxing nature of playing the slots, others find it somewhat boring due to its repetitive nature and often lengthy process. For those that like a little more action now and then, playing progressive slots in is the ultimate. It's very easy to spot progressive slot machines on the casino floor - just look for the bright, neon tickers that display the current jackpot, which is continually increasing as the slots are being played. Best... More »